DWS Digital Workshop

HIL B41.3
Workshop Manager: Henry Welch


The Raplab digital workshop offers low-threshold access to advanced digital tools for model and prototype building. Converting your CAD drawing into a physical model to validate proportions, spatial arrangements, and the like has never come at a lower price. The possibilities are endless with laser cutters, cutting plotters, and 3d-printers at your fingertips.


Access is available to D-arch staff members with the exception of bachelor students below the 3rd Semester.

All new users must complete the Raplab safety introduction and digital workshop courses before they can be granted access.

Please come by office with your ETH card after completing the courses so we can give access using our card reader.

ETH members outside of D-Arch must get in contact with us before begining the enrollment process.

Digital Workshop Rules

  • Reservations are not possible – first-come, first-served
  • Come prepared. Do not block a machine with problems that are related to your file
  • Try to help others if you see that they require help
  • Stay logged in for the duration of your laser session
  • If all lasers are occupied a laser cutter session must be limited to 1hr and only one machine at a time per user

Invoicing And Pricing

  •  You will be charged for the duration between login to logout.
  • The login-logout time is rounded down to the last full minute.

Users can check the status of their charges here

Users will also get an email with a detailed summary of their machine usage each month with an official ETH invoice for their digital workshop usage each month to control costs effectively.

  • Laser cutters: 20.-/h
  • Zund cutters: 30.-/h
  • FDM 3D-Printers: 1.-/h


Prusa 3D Printer

Large Vacuum thermoformer

Laser Cutter

Zünd 1

Zünd 2

Small Vacuum thermoformer