All users working in Raplab need to create an Account first. The Raplab Account tracks the machines and tools you’re using and allows us to grant you access to tools and workshops.
Creating an account does not permit you to access the Raplab. Please refer to the access page to see if and how you can get access to our workshops, tools, and machines!
What happens if I lose my ETH card?
Order a replacement card here. Your account will automatically update.
How does the billing system work?
You will receive an official ETH invoice at the end of the semester. You can track your expenses here.
To what workshops/machines do I have access?
The permissions are displayed when you log in to your Raplab Account.
Can I give my card to someone else?
The ETH card is personalized. You are not allowed to give it to other people. This rule is for your safety and prevents the misuse of tools and machines.
Do I have access to other workshops within the ETH with my raplab account?
No, unfortunately not.