Digital Workshop Introduction

Hello! I am so glad you decided to join this course. I’m your course facilitator, Henry.

I will be your guide for this journey. Please contact me at any point if you have questions or concerns by emailing me directly. 

We appreciate feedback, so if you notice anything about this course that could help improve your experience, don’t hesitate to mention it.


This course introduces the basic concepts of each machine available in the digital workshop and explains the foundations of proper working procedures that Raplab follows to conduct its work.

You can enroll in this course only after completing the safety introduction. The course qualifies you to use the digital workshop independently after showing the completed exercise to me.

Who is this course for?

This introduction course is for the BA (3rd semester and above), MA, MAS, and Ph.D. program students and employees of the Department of Architecture ETH Zurich that need access to the digital workshop of the Raplab.

What will I learn?

You will get an overview of the following topics:

  1. Detailed overview of the Raplab digital workshop (DWS) and its machines.
  2. Introduction to the fundamentals of the machinery.
  3. Summary of the materials that can be processed.

How do I complete the course?

To complete this course, users must study all the listed learning material to prepare for the Moodle quiz and independently complete an exercise that demonstrates their proficiency in using the machines.
Reading through the content and completing the quiz will take about two hours. An additional hour is required to complete the in-person exercise.